The SwimCount™ sperm quality test kit is a unique, easy-to-use home sperm test kit, developed by fertility scientists in Denmark, to give men a fast and reliable result. The SwimCount test is CE accredited and calibrated to the WHO Standard for sperm quality.
Most sperm test kits will only tell you if the total amount of sperm is normal. There's a risk that a 'normal' result with that type of test could leave you believing that all is OK, but in fact, the sperm cells may be defective or damaged, and unable to result in a successful conception. Please note that SwimCount is meant as an aid to the diagnosis of male infertility and not as a check for vasectomy.
The SwimCount™ sperm quality test also measures the number of living, motile sperm, as recommended by the NHS.
"Some kits only check the number of sperm, not other things that can affect fertility such as how well the sperm are able to move (motility) – it's best to use a kit that measures both these things." NHS
FREE standard UK delivery. Single use device.
*SwimCount™ has a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 95%. This means that if the test shows that your semen sample has less than 5 million Progressive Motile Sperm Cells, it is 98% likely that the test result is correct. If the test shows that your semen sample has more than 5 million Progressive Motile Sperm Cells per ml, it is 95% likely that the result is correct. The overall accuracy is 96%..
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SwimCount and the Sperm Cell Device is a trademark of MotilityCount ApS