You could have a normal sperm count but poor sperm quality. Around 20% of men have low sperm quality and is one of the main reasons why couples experience difficulties getting pregnant in a natural way.
Developed by fertility scientists and doctors in Denmark.
Available in the UK from Superdrug, Ocado and other major retailers. Or order online direct from SwimCount today.
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Results at home in 30 minutes
The NHS recommends that if you decide to purchase a home sperm test kit, then you should choose one that measures motility as well as sperm count.
With a sensitivity of 98%* compared to laboratory sperm analysis, SwimCount gives you the opportunity to test your sperm quality at home - and make positive diet and lifestyle changes to help increase your sperm quality if necessary.
SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test is the only patented sperm quality test for home use that is able to measure the concentration of Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs). PMSCs are the only sperm cells that can fertilize an egg and thereby make a woman pregnant in a natural way.
Available in the UK from major retailers including Superdrug, and direct from SwimCount.
* Multi-centre independent clinical trial. Overall accuracy of 96%.
"It took half an hour to do it in the bathroom. It was easier than I thought and I was chuffed to get a good result.
I was scared about it, but know I know if we want to try again for a child in the future, there is nothing stopping us."
— Nemo, 42
"Even though I am happily single, my fertility is something that has always been in the back of my mind."
"Men need to know this just as much as women do."
— Jonathan, 32
"...this has been a real wake-up call for me."
— Jon, 45